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Get involved with

GYBN Europe

Have you always wanted to meet with like-minded young people from around the world and be part of a global network?

Do you care about biodiversity and would like to get active? Then get involved and join GYBN Europe!

Our current sub-regional chapters are:


  • Austrian Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN Austria)

  • Italian Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN Italy)

  • French Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN France)

  • Nordic Youth Biodiversity Network (NYBN) (Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Aaland Islands; as well as Sámi and Inuit people)

By applying now, you can sign up to GYBN Europe and/or any relevant sub-regional chapter.

Remember to sign up to GYBN international as well to join the wider community by clicking here!

Follow us on Social Media!

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Starting a

National Chapter

Are you interested to start a national chapter to...
-> Engage young people in your own language?

-> Establish dialogue between your government and youth?

-> Help your country achieve it's youth and biodiversity targets?

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