Our Work

Our African Youth Capacity Building Workshop in 2018
Our Current and Upcoming GYBN Uganda Projects:
Earth Rise Campaign and Earth Day 2020 events: a 6 month campaign conducted by the Earth Day Network in partnership with the Uganda Youth Biodiversity Network to celebrate the 50th annual Earth Day that will happen in 2020. Through the Earth Rise Campaign with the theme “Climate Action”, we in Uganda will seek to reach at least one million people with featured activities such as tree planting, climate teach-ins, clean-ups, nature artistry, Earth challenge, food prints for the future and Earth Rise (April 2020)
The UYBN chapter has started with climate teach-ins in schools. This is a country-wide campaign which started on September 2019 and will continue until April 2020
Voice for Animals: animals do not have a voice, but we can be the voice supports the conservation of these species and their ecosystems. This campaign includes three components; Animal Talk (let’s talk for animals), sing for Animals (through music we can let huge numbers know what roles animals play in the ecosystem), and plant for Animals (restoring habitats of these animals to save the remaining species). This project was developed in September 2019 and is one of our future projects that will be a nation-wide campaign to familiarize young people about the value of animals in the ecosystem.
Our Past Projects:
Post-2020 Consultation meeting: conducted to gather youth inputs into the Post-2020 global deal for Nature and People that will be adopted in 2020 and will set targets for the protection and conservation of the planet’s biodiversity and ecosystems. It is of crucial importance that the voices of young people are heard when these new targets are agreed upon, since this will affect youth and future generations (October 2019, American Centre Kampala)
Zero Hunger walk: this activity was carried out in partnership with Food Rights Alliance, the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Ministry of Agriculture and many others, under the theme "Our Actions are Our Future". The activity commemorated World Food Day, which was celebrated on 16 of October 2019. The Zero Hunger walk was also an activity aimed at teaching the local communities about the hidden scarcity of food in Uganda and the road map to attaining zero hunger by 2030. (October 2019, Kampala)
Nutrition walk and dialogues in Masindi: during this walk, the participants learned about how biodiversity supports food production and how knowledge about nutrition and balance diets are crucial in erasing hunger in communities. Through this walk we got to know the different crops grown in different communities, how diets affect those communities, and the main causes of malnutrition in children and women (July 2019, Masindi)
Youth biodiversity campaign launch and capacity building workshop: this workshop evaluated youth participation in biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. The workshop targeted the youth exposure to CBD, CITES and the Ramsar conventions, the promotion of conservation journalism, the exploration of the different green business opportunities in conservation and the training of young people in leadership skills for conservation (March 2019, American Centre Kampala)