Our Work
Our African Youth Capacity Building Workshop in 2018
Our Current and Upcoming CYBN Projects:
An Online conference through Zoom application with the theme "Youth and Biodiversity" (September 2019)
We are planning a Conference in Bukavu ( South-Kivu) in partnership with CYNESA (Catholic Youth Network for Environment Sustainability in Africa at the Evangelical University in Africa (December 2019)
Creating a nursery for tree planting activities in the Bukavu (South-Kivu Province) to support local effort to fight climate change
Our Past Projects:
Online campaign to promote GYBN in the DRC and recruit new members: This was an online campaign to promote our new chapter locally and engage young people to join the network.
Youth Conference with the theme Climate Change: What are the prospects for youth?: This was a conference that many young people attended on October 26, 2019 in Bukavu, co-organized by Congolese Youth Biodiversity Network, Human Nature Projects and Sustainable Development Network Youth Initiative. This first conference was a first, bringing together youth and policy makers on critical issues affecting our planet (Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss).
Celebration of the International Biodiversity Day with young school pupils: This was held in Kisangani (Province of Tshopo) in partnership with Tunza Eco-Generation and CoalitionWILD. The total attendance was about 78 persons, including CYBN Staff members and school pupils from 5th and 6th primary school.
Participation with the provincial government in the activities of the World Environment Day: CYBN was invited to be in the youth delegation to attend Environmental and Sustainable Development activities organized by the provincial ministry (of Tshopo)