GYBN Bangladesh
Most of the lands in Bangladesh have been formed by river alluvium from the Ganges, Brahmaputra, and their tributaries. Geographically, the country falls near the Indo-Burma region, one of the global biodiversity hotspots, and has large seasonal variability. Bangladesh's wide range of ecosystems include hills, forests (evergreen and semi-evergreen forests, dry-deciduous and moist-deciduous forests), grasslands, reedlands, floodplains, rivers, low-lying islands (Charlands), ox-bow lakes (baors), river-back swamps (haors), open woodlands (village groves), low-lying deep depressions (beels), ponds, canals, ditches, estuary, coastal mudflats, coastal

islands, mangrove swamps, coral-bearing island and marine ecosystems.
GYBN was created by Md. Kutub Uddin to offer a platform where young conservationists in Bangladesh can contribute to the CBD-NBSAP process on the national, regional and global levels. Additionally, GYBN Bangladesh supports the Bangladeshi youth who are passionate about biodiversity and conservation to amplify their voices and facilitates their biodiversity mainstreaming activities at the local level.